A lovely sunny day on the Thames
Hello again! It has been quite a busy month, but I am happy to say that I am still alive and am ready to start blogging regularly once more! Furthermore, I am able to report that spring has officially sprung in London! Blue skies…tulips blooming in Regent’s Park…sunshine! O, frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!
Ahem. Dear me, I fear I’ve gotten a bit over-excited about the reappearance of that beamish substance known as sunshine. I’m afraid it has been a long, cold, wet, gray sort of winter here in Her Majesty’s England, and considering the fact that May is just around the corner, I think I’m entitled to a bit of childish glee when faced the with the prospect of short sleeves and bare feet. Pardon me while I take a moment to gyre and gimble in the wabe.

Boston skyline at dusk, August 2012.
But it’s not just spring that is (literally and metaphorically) coming up roses. The next few months are promising to be both hectic and exciting on a number of levels, both personally and professionally. Things are changing quite significantly in my personal life over the next couple of months; the husband and I are forsaking the hallowed avenues of London town for that brave and stalwart city, Boston! The transatlantic move coupled with house-hunting and in-settling will almost certainly be a sort of methodical madness as we begin to write the next chapter of our lives. But we love Boston, and we know so many amazing people who live in the area, so once the chaos has subsided I don’t doubt that everything will be brilliant.

No, beta-reader kitteh! Be nice!
On a professional level, I’m feeling really great about the revisions I’ve started on Blood King and I’m looking forward to polishing this draft until it twinkles and gleams. I’m shooting to begin agent submissions in August, which means that as soon as I complete this working draft I’ll be looking for…(cue the drumroll, please)…beta readers! Don’t get too excited yet–there’s a lot of work to be done between now and then, but I’ll be putting out a formal request for betas when the time comes. So in the meantime, if you think you or anyone you know would be interested in reading and critiquing, don’t hesitate to let me know via blog comment, email, or Twitter!

Winning may or not be a fight
to the death, gladiator style.
I’ve also got some frumious things in store on Ye Olde Blog as well! I’ve got several Super Secret Spectacular guest bloggers and author profiles lined up in the next few months, so keep your eyes peeled and your clicky-finger ready to trot on by and check these amazing talents out! I’ll also be hosting a flash fiction contest near the beginning of June, and I guarantee you won’t want to miss out on the fun (or the oh-no-she-didn’t prizes I’ve got tucked up my sleeve)!
Until then, I hope to see y’all gallumphing by and chortling joyfully. I have now completely played out the Jabberwocky references and with that, will bid you farewell. See you all on Wednesday!
Interested in being a beta reader? Curious about the flash fiction contest? Wish there were any other features on the blog? Don’t hesitate to let me know!